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1951 Zenith Porthole Television Set Owners Manual (continued)
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While the most effective means of reducing interference to a minimum has been built into your Zenith, occasionally some electrical disturbances such as that caused by automobile ignition, electrical appliances, machinery, street cars, electric flasher signs, and short wave radio stations, may become evident. As you will receive visual, as well as the more familiar audible indication of such interference, it becomes important in order to avoid confusion that you learn to recognize the more common types for what they are. As the difficulty from all but that caused by signal weakness or reflections, is usually of short duration, it is not necessary or advisable to seek service unless it continues over an extended period of time. Extremely strong interference may cause a jerky up-and-down movement of the image on the screen, while other possible indications may assume the proportions and general appearance portrayed in the following pictures.

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